- Overhauling of Main engine units and their components.
- Overhauling of Aux engine and its components
- Overhauling of Turbochargers, governors and fuel pumps.
- Overhauling of deck machinery Like Grabs, Hatch covers, Framo pumps.
- Overhauling of Hydraulic motor and Pumps
- Trouble shooting of Bridge Navigation automation.
- Marine riser management
- Measurements of noise level on board ships
- Noise and vibration measurements according to comfort class - COMF(V-crn)
- Non-destructive testing on classification projects
- Preparation of inventory of hazardous materials
- Resin casting
- Service of inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release
units, inflatable rescue boats, marine evacuation systems
- Service of inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release
units, marine evacuation systems
- Service Suppliers engaged in inspection and testing of centralised gas welding
and cutting equipment
- Sound pressure level measurements of public address and general alarm systems
- Sound pressure level measurements of public address and general alarm systems.
Measurements of noise level on board ships.
- Survey using remote inspection techniques for close-up survey of structure
- Testing of Ballast Water Management Systems (validation of biological efficacy
at commissioning)
- Testing of coating systems
- Testing of navigational equipment and systems
- Thickness measurements
- Tightness testing of closing appliances using ultrasonic equipment
- Tightness testing of primary and secondary barriers of gas carriers with
membrane cargo containment systems for vessels in service
- Watertight Cable Transit Seal Systems Inspection on Ships and Mobile Offshore
- Alignment of propulsion shafting and installation of rotating machinery
- Annual performance testing of voyage data recorders and simplified voyage data
- Commissioning testing of ballast water management systems (BWMS)
- Condition monitoring and condition based maintenance
- Environmental testing of ballast water management systems
- Examination of mobile and long term mooring systems
- Indoor climate measurements according to comfort class - COMF(C-crn) Inspection and
maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment and systems
- Inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment and systems. Inspections
and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus.
- Inspection and testing of radio communication equipment and automatic identification
- Inspection of low location lighting systems using photo luminescent materials and
evacuation guidance systems used as an alternative to low-location lighting systems.
- Inspections and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus
- In-water survey by diver
- In-water survey by diver and remotely operated vehicle
- In-water survey by remotely operated vehicle Laboratories performing corrosion
testing of corrosion resistant steels
- Laboratories performing mechanical and analytical testing
- Land-based and shipboard testing of ballast water management systems
- Maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of
lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear
- SEEMP II Preparation & Class Communication
- SEEMP III Preparation & Class Communication
- SEEMP III Correctiveaction preparation and Class Communication
- IMO DCS & CII Data compilation & Submission to Class
- EU MRV Monitoring plan preparation & Class Communication
- EU MRV Data Compilation & Submission to Class
- (Partial) EU ETS Emission Report (per Voyage/month)
- (Partial) EU ETS Emission Report (Annual Package)
- CII analysis and advisory on improvement
- ETS Company Emission report (Fleet-Wise)
- EU ETS additional Voyage statement